The Past Three Months
The past three months have been a blast. ^^ Here are some of the pictures I've taken during the last three months.
With Lyca, Marilou and Kosuke! :) Off to Disney Sea!
One of the most popular attractions there is the Tower of Terror!
I didn't really see anything when I got on it because I just kept my eyes shut. ^^;
Went to Tama Zoological Park! :'D see koalas, mainly... but I actually loved the Lesser Panda so much more. XD
And I got my first-ever omikuji in Japan here! :D
My first kaiten sushi!
The enthralling beauty of Miyagase Dam... It's a fake lake. ; 3 ; It's at least artificially made!
I learned what komorebi is.
Met with Hiroaki and his fiance in Saitama.
Decided to preserve memories.
Made my own cup of noodles.
Met sea animals.
Experience rating: 10/10
OMG so much "oooohh"s and "aaah"s.