Accessorize: Owls

Part of the random things I'm interested in, besides Kokeshi (traditional, wooden Japanese dolls) are owls! I dom't know exactly when I became interested in them, but you will see traces of them on old accounts like Tumblr. I found this pic there:

Owl accessory
Isn't this totally adorable?!

I think the necklace is broken already though... But I would really want to have it again. I still have the earrings (but I barely wear them because I get itchy) and at the very moment of writing this, I'm wearing an owl ring! Wanna see?

Owl accessory
Pretty cool, huh?

If I'm not mistaken this piece was given to me by a friend. Kinda cute huh? I should probably start buying more owlies soon.

I don't actually wear accessories a lot, but I feel like I should start doing so. I'm turning 23 by next month and it's so time to upgrade my daily tee/shorts fashion. >_<

How about you guys? What kind of fashion do you like? Do you wear accessories? Do you want to "upgrade" your fashion? Tell me! (*^^*)


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